I was so angry I had to channel my anger into doing something and I changed my blogskin. It took hours to perfect it can. (Oh oh, in case you think I designed this blogskin I didn't ok! I had to change the alignments, font size and stuff though.) I had wanted to revamp my blog for the longest time and I finally got down to doing it. Some people have complained about my previous blogskin - take too long to load, table not aligned, cannot see the words etc... So now, hopefully, my blog is completely user friendly to you!
Of course, I chose this blogskin becos it is black & pink colour (duh...), and I like how my entries are on the left and other stuff on the right. Also, it says " The City" which is significant becos yrs truly lives in the Lion City and is "a city set on a hill", heh heh. I am entertaining thoughts of becoming an Air Stewardess (entertain even more with the inception of the Aircrew Fellowship Ministry, ;P ) so that's where the aeroplane comes in handy! =)
And just hours after changing the blogskin, Janet, a.k.a the fashionista and super creative girl (who owns her own shop blog http://metalmouthinc.livejournal.com/ with the gorgeous Jamie ;) ) tagged that she really likes it! =) My only issue with this blogskin is that there is too much empty space (if only the non-empty portion can be wider) but too bad, cannot do anything about that!
How, how, you like it mah?