Woo, I had a great day! Despite having very little sleep rushing my assignment, it had been a fruitful and fulfilling day! =)
First of all, I caught a a couple of things from Zoe's msg today!
1. Me being 'I' is a talent and I need to use it! WOW, I never saw it that way! I always thought it is simply part of my personality but today I realize that it is also a talent! I can get very excited and enthusiastic and exude a lot of energy about things without feeling tired or feeling like it is an obligation to behave that way. Being enthu is like 2nd nature to me... no wonder I was crowned the "Energizer Bunny"! Haha. I'm a natural cheerleader, a 90+ % 'I' personality... This is my talent! Parable of the talents => Need to continue to use it and see it multiply!
2. Being good is enemy of being best, but best can also be enemy of the good! What do I mean here? Let me explain: How many times have I not stepped out and done something because I feel that I'm not the best though I may be good in that thing? Countless! But how will my good become the best if I don't continue to work on and use the good that I have? It is only in not despising the average that I perceive myself to have and displaying it that I can learn and grow from being average in something to good and eventually to great and best! Yeah!
3. E441 is not a random bunch of people put tgt... it is a divine arrangement. Yes, yes, so treasure it I will! Picnic on Fri at Botanical Gardens tgt is YAYYNESS! =D Don't disappoint me pple! Keke. =)
Wow, today's cg msg alone I received a couple of revelations already. Must be SOT power. =p
Totally loved Touch of Heaven Unplugged, it just gets better and better! Always be a DT baby! What is better than seeing my 2 dear leaders sing and my 2 buddies act on stage with my boyfriend beside me!?? Nothing! Haha... except maybe performing tgt with them! (later get sabo! =p Just kidding!)
After the event, I also got the opportunity to get to know this person that I see almost every week for the last 2 years but don't actually personally know much about him (yes I know, how did I manage to do that right...!? It's a good 2 yrs leh!) And that person is none other than... An Xian! =) I found out that he was from Nanyang Pri and C'monwealth Sec and that he's going to NUS next month to start his Mechanical Engineering degree , taking 3 modules in advance first! I also learnt that he started drawing weapons and warfare machineries since he was in primary school before branching out to sketch many other objects and even people! I sort of secretly wish he can sketch a picture of me... now it's not secret anymore! Lol. I like to find out new things about pple, cool! ;)
Oh, and I cheonged to add Sun on my FB! =D My memorable 25 April 2009 couldn't be better. *smiles*