I'm back. I realised how childish I was, being upset about something, over someone when that person has so moved on. What for put myself through all that pain? Why cry about something I cannot change? Why brood over the past? I'm a 20-year-old woman now, no more behaving like a 13-year-old kid. =)
I really thank God for a great bunch of friends who are there for me when I fell. When I'm wounded and lying on the floor, they are the ones who put me on a stretcher and carry me till I'm strong enough to stand up again. They are the ones who talked with me, heard me out, comforted me and loved me. They helped me through this ordeal. Thank you so much.
To Valerie: Valerie dear, even though u are going through yr 'A' Levels, u still shower me with yr love and concern. It really means a lot. =) I love you. The words u said really encouraged me. *Hugs hugs*
To Zoe: Thanks for yr words of encouragement, for sharing with me yr perspective, for being so patient and gracious toward me, allowing me to be make my own decisions, reminding to be on the offensive, the list will never end. ;)
To Perez: I am amazed by your wisdom. The words u spoke really helped me a lot. Thanks so much for caring bro! =)
To Naresh: You have such an amazing ability to make me laugh out loud even when I'm really crying on the inside. I am so rooting for you, that yr films will be box office hits. Don't forget yr blur and emotional Wendy then ah. =P You stay strong and stand firm too, my brother.
And thank you Daddy, for yr deep deep love towards me. One that I will take my whole life to appreciate and comprehend. *HUGS* I want to love you back deep deep. =)