Jamie said Arts and Social Sciences in NUS is a dumping ground and I quickly disagreed. FASS isn't a dumping ground... It's a haven for people who love the arts. I would say rather, that NIE is a dumping ground. For people that never had the intention of being teachers all their life and suddenly went to enroll themselves there because of lack of career choices. I never want to end up like that. It's scary knowing the number of people around me who enroll themselves in NIE... even though they have engineering degrees and all. Teachers get decent paychecks every month... but I can't see myself teaching all my life. Being a tutor of 8 students now, I have had enough of it. If your students aren't willing to work hard, no amount of saliva and effort you put in in that few hrs of tuition weekly are gonna matter. And when my students don't ace their exams, I get no sense of satisfaction. So no, I'm not gonna be a teacher or a tutor all my life.
No offence if your in NIE k...?